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Dress Code
Class Placement


Class Placement Policy

Outlined below is the process we use at Yangebup Primary to place students in classes for the start of the year. Also included are answers to questions that parents may have about class placement. Staff at Yangebup Primary are committed to meeting the educational needs of all students. A great deal of thought, planning and time go into placing children into classes. Every effort will be made to place each child in a learning environment that is productive and successful.


Yangebup Primary School creates its class structure based on the professional judgement of staff taking into account the students’ academic, social and emotional needs.


Factors influencing class structure are:

  • the educational needs of the students

  • the projected number of students in each year level

  • the ratio of girls to boys

  • projected enrolments during the year based on past trends

  • the number of teachers employed at the school

  • the constraints of resources and facilities

Factors which are considered in the placement of students include:

  • academic performance

  • work habits (e.g. ability to work independently)

  • behaviour

  • gender

  • social network

  • social maturity

  • special needs

  • family situations (e.g. twins, siblings)


Staff meet mid fourth term to establish the classes for the following school year. Teachers of the current and past year levels make the decision about where to place those students for the following year.

Teachers ensure each new class has:

  • a balance of academic ability

  • gender balance

  • socially balanced groups (students are not always put with best friends so new friendships can be formed)

Class placements are then approved by the principal. Parents may write to the principal to give information that the school should take into account in order to place their child. This must be based on their child’s educational needs. Requests in relation to choice of teacher will not be considered as a placement factor.

Common Questions

Why do we ask parents to leave class placement in the hands of the teaching staff?

As professional educators we strive to make the right choices taking into account all of the information we have about all students. Parents do know their children best, however teachers have all of the academic and social information about every child and can make sound judgements to meet the needs of every student.

Why does the school have some split grade classes?

Staffing is dependent on the enrolment numbers. Therefore split grade classes are often necessary to ensure that we have appropriate sized classes for each year level. The practice of combining grades in one class is well supported by research and our beliefs about how children learn. That is, research shows us that students are not disadvantaged by being in a split grade class. The difference in academic ability and maturity can vary by about 5 years across a straight grade class and 5 or 6 in a split grade class. The added advantage of a split grade class is that students make friendships across grades.

Can I request my child to be placed with another child or not placed with another child?

Parents may request this but need to give clear reasons why this is necessary. It is important to consider that the school knows your child’s friendships and that placing them without that particular friend may be so that your child expands their friendship base. We want children to be able to work and socialise with a variety of other children and build skills to make new friends.

In addition, sometimes we may get competing requests from parents where one parent wants their child to be in a class with a friend but the friend’s parents have requested that they not be in the same class.

Friendships can change throughout primary school, students leave, more students arrive and so it is important for your child to develop friendship skills rather than always have the same friends.

When will I know my child’s placement?
Classes for the following year will be displayed during the last week of school. Students will spend some time in their new classroom on the last day of the year to help them familiarise themselves with their new class. They will usually meet their new teacher unless the teacher won’t be starting until following year.
What if my child or I am unhappy with my child’s placement?

Class placements are considered final. Changing one student at the request of a parent can mean that many other changes also need to take place to continue to meet the needs of all of the other students. Parents need to understand that it is a complex balance that cannot just be solved by moving their child. Many other changes are likely to be needed in addition. Parents can talk to the principal or deputy principal about their concerns but changing a student placement would be rare. The principal or deputy and the classroom teacher will work with the parent to help students adjust to their new class.

If your child is unhappy with their placement, we as parents must speak to them positively and model how we want them to face disappointment in their future.

Dress Code Policy


Enrolment at Yangebup Primary School is confirmation of an agreement by students and their parents that they will follow the dress code. The code has evolved since the school was established as a result of agreements made by parents and teachers. The code is based upon the principles of equity, uniformity, safety, identification and pride.

It is the belief of the school community that the dress code:

  • promotes self esteem and the school’s motto “Pride and Achievement”

  • fosters and enhances the public image of the school

  • assists in building school and team spirit

  • ensures students are safely dressed for school activities

  • encourages equity among students

  • identifies Yangebup Primary School students when on an excursion


Dress Code Requirements

  • Black surf hat or legionnaires cap are be worn throughout the year whenever outside buildings

  • Black bucket hats with reversible faction colours are coming soon


Summer Uniform
  • Black skorts / shorts

  • Royal Blue & Black school polo shirt

  • Royal Blue & Black summer dress uniform supplied by the school

  • Suitable and safe footwear for participation in activities as directed by class teacher


Winter Uniform
  • Black skorts / shorts

  • Royal Blue & Black school polo shirt

  • Black track suit bottoms

  • Suitable and safe footwear for participation in activities as directed by class teacher

  • School uniform jackets and tops that comply with the school colours, not including hoodies or logos


PE and Sports Uniforms
  • Suitable and safe footwear for participation in activities as directed by class teacher

  • Faction coloured tee shirts or polo shirts (Gold, Red, Green)

  • Interschool uniforms for students in Years 4-7 are provided by the school


Faction Friday

Faction t-shirts are encouraged to be worn on Fridays and on Carnival days.

Please Note: No brand motifs, stripes or multicoloured patterns are to be on any part of the school uniform.


If hair can touch the shoulder or is longer, it must be tied back with a hair elastic (males & females). This is to ensure hair to hair contact is limited, thus reducing the ability of lice to spread between students.


To reduce occupational health and safety risks and to ensure standardisation, jewellery, (excluding ear studs, one thin chain & watches), nail polish / varnish and make-up are not to be worn.

Availability of Dress Code Items

  • All uniform items can be ordered and purchased through the school uniform shop.

  • Bucket hats with reversible faction colours as well as new style faction t-shirts will be available some time in 2022.

  • Parents of students who experience difficulty with the purchase of a uniform should contact the school for assistance.



We encourage all students to follow the dress code outlined in this policy. Students will be explicitly taught what is expected of them and parents given this information through the newsletter and the school website.


Non-compliance will result in reminding students of the schools expectations and asking them to remove non-compliant items either that day or the following day. It may result in students being denied the opportunity to participate in special school activities (eg sporting, social, cultural and educational events as determined by the Principal) or holding leadership positions (eg faction captain and parliamentarian).


Students must wear school uniforms on all excursions for safety and identification purposes.

Homework Policy


Homework is given for the following reasons:

  • Consolidation of work for revision and practice

  • Encourages children to become more independent learners and to revise, reinforce and finish work that has begun in school

  • Development of study skills and habits

  • Allows parents to become aware of the work that is being done in school and to be informed and involved in their children's schoolwork

  • Catch up work for students who did not complete work

  • Extra practice for students who need work on particular concepts

Content of Homework

Year Group
Parents Read to Children
Reading at Home by Students
Tricky Words Practice
Basic Maths Facts Practice
Revision/Finishing Work
✓ Beg Term 3
✓ Beg Term 3
✓ +Comprehension questions with Kindy take home books


  • Adults should read picture books or novels to children every day (where possible) all through primary school even if the child is an independent reader. You can also read a bit to them and have them read some to you.

  • Independent readers should still read aloud to parent (once or twice a week).

  • It is recommended that Home Reading should be at least 15 mins per day X 4 times per week

  • Hopefully children will read much longer than 15mins if they are reading for leisure

Holidays During Term

(Teachers are not required to set additional work for children who holiday) - It is
recommended that children:

  • Keep a detailed diary

  • Read every day

  • Are encouraged to use ‘hands on’ maths situations, eg money exchange, rates, change from shopping, distance to next destination etc.

  • Gain an appreciation of new cultural aspects

  • Create a PowerPoint, project or diary that they could share with the class on their return

Role of Parents/Guardians

  • Parents can help your child with their homework by providing them with a suitable place and time to do their homework, away from distractions and interruptions

  • Your child should be encouraged to do written homework themselves and parents should only help if the child is having difficulty. This may involve further explanation and examples. It is important to let the teacher know of any difficulties

  • Informal reading is encouraged, reading for leisure from K-7 is highly recommended and essential to support the learning at school. It should be an enjoyable exercise

  • Parents need to sign Reading Logs that are sent home to keep a record of Home Reading

  • Reading to your child daily is an important way to increase your child’s vocabulary and understanding of the world. If your child is older, you can alternate reading aloud with them

Some Other Ideas

  • Educational apps, for example: Study Ladder, Mathletics or Reading Eggs

  • Reading for funzies

  • Board games

  • Cooking

  • Use pamphlets/brochures, create shopping lists, work out a budget

Split Classes Policy

Sometimes parents express concerns when their child has been allocated to a split grade class and believe that it may be a disadvantage to their child. It is important that you, as parents, are aware that contrary to these beliefs there is no disadvantage to a student being in a split grade class.

In years gone by composite classes were formed by placing talented students in the lower grade level with lower achievers in the higher grade.  This concept has long been abandoned.  All classes are formed by teachers and school leaders sitting and placing students with a range of information available to make classes as balanced as possible (see our Class Placement Policy).

Why do you create split classes?

There will almost always be a need to have split classes at Yangebup Primary School. This is because of the way we are funded and the fact that we are a relatively small school. Funding is allocated to public schools on a per student basis and this is calculated by the number of students we have enrolled on the census date in March.

The size of each year’s cohort can vary considerably depending on enrolments but we still only receive a total amount of funding for the overall number of students. This means that in order to ensure that all classes are an appropriate size, split grade classes may need to be formed.

How does the school decide the classes each year?

The principal and the staff take into consideration the student numbers and individual needs in each year group, the recommended class sizes for each year group and the total number of staff the budget can afford. Various scenarios are examined by staff and evaluated based on the needs throughout the whole school. The final decision is made by the principal.

How do teachers cater academically for more than one grade in a class?

Teachers are skilled at delivering the required curriculum. In addition, teachers must adapt the curriculum to suit the needs of individual learners within the classroom. A split grade class generally has very little extra variation in the needs of learners than a straight grade. Each year the curriculum builds on the curriculum from the year before so, in order to cater for the different needs of students, teachers are consistently teaching above and below that year’s curriculum requirements. The difference in academic ability and maturity can vary by about 5 years across a straight grade class and 5 or 6 in a split grade class. Research by Professor John Hattie into the effect sizes of factors that influence achievement show that split grade classes make no difference to the academic outcomes of students. In fact, the factor that has the largest influence by a very large margin is
teacher quality.

What about socially?

Children benefit enormously from having friends outside of their year group. It allows them to develop a wider group of friends which gives them more options in the playground, greater connections across the school and can benefit them within the wider community. It helps them build social skills which has long term effects for building resiliency. Children in composite classes have nothing to fear but plenty to enjoy.

Excursions and Programs

Excursions are generally organised by individual classes not by year groups. This is because excursions are related to class programs. Sometimes two classes will choose to coordinate aspects of their program and will plan excursions together. This does not mean that every child in that year level should be included in the excursion.

Some programs may be offered to year groups rather than classes when this is appropriate These may include swimming lessons, carnivals etc. Assemblies are also organised by classes not year groups. Again, some classes choose to combine, but it is still a class assembly not a year level one.

Still have concerns?

If you still have concerns, talk to your child’s teacher about the program they are offering and how your child will be catered for.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing partnership in your child’s learning development.

Check out an article from the Sydney Herald addressing this issue for parents.

Split Classes
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