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Parents and Citizens

P&C Executive Team


We hope to see you soon!!

President:  Trista Heath 

Vice President:  Jenna Rosier

Treasurer:  Tash Wright

Secretary:  Karen Haines

What is the P&C? Glad you asked!

The P&C (Parents & Citizens Assoc.) is a not for profit, volunteer group of parents, staff and friends of the school who work together for the benefit of Yangebup Primary School.


We do this mainly by organising and running a variety of fundraising activities and events so we can fund the supply of additional student and teacher resources, grounds maintenance and new equipment for the benefit of all students. We also run the Uniform Shop. For example, P&C raised funds have been used to install new flag poles, purchase of new school emblem flags (used at interschool carnivals), purchasing of interactive whiteboards and new reading books, and including new faction polo shirts and hats into our school uniform. Our current large scale fundraising project is a revitalisation of the Kindy/PP playground. Stage 1 of this exciting project has already been approved and works will commence in the near future!


Details of upcoming P&C meetings and fundraising events are advertised in the School Newsletter, the school and P&C's Facebook pages, flyers issued to students and posters displayed throughout the school.


Our General Committee Meetings are held roughly 4 times per term, usually on a Wednesday at 6pm in our school library. Most committee members will try to attend. There is always a staff representative at every meeting (usually our school principal Andrea Mafarlane).


All P&Cs are governed by WACSSO - Western Australian Council of State School Organisations. The School Principal or Deputies must be a member of the P&C. Teachers and staff are also very welcome as members.


How can I join the P&C? Glad you asked!


Come along to one of our meetings! Everyone has something they can contribute and everyone is welcome. Joining the P&C is a fantastic way to meet other parents/caregivers and make new friends.


No special qualifications or skills are needed, just a willingness to be part of a group of parents/caregivers wanting to provide the best environment possible for the education of their children. Disclaimer: You must be able to have fun!


We ALWAYS welcome new members as this enables the P&C to continue year after year as parents move on when their children reach high school age.


If you’re interested in becoming a member, or you’d like more information, please email your details to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. There is a membership fee of $1.00.


Please like and follow our Facebook page to keep up with any news, reminders about meetings and upcoming school fundraising and community events.



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